Articles on: Getting started

How to Manage the Main Charts Page

Easy to use and intuitive, Altrady’s main charts page allows you to view multiple markets from different cryptocurrency exchanges on the same page. On the main charts page, you can choose to see 4 charts at once on your screen, focus on a single market or play with several charts depending on your liking.

In this documentation, you will understand how to:

Add a chart
Select layout from default layouts
Create custom layout
Delete a custom layout
Edit layout settings
Lock/unlock layout
Export/import layout

Let’s begin.

How to Add a Chart

Step -1: To add a chart, all you need to do is click the Charts button located at the top left side of the screen and hit the Add chart button on the main charts page.

Step -2: Once you click on the Add chart button, a modal window will appear on the screen with all available exchanges and markets. On the modal window, select the desired exchange under the ‘Exch’ column and market from the ‘Market’ column.

Users can also add a chart by clicking on the Choose market button on the main charts page and selecting the desired exchange under the ‘Exch’ column and market from the ‘Market’ column on the modal window.

Once you select the desired exchange and market, the price chart will appear on the screen as shown below:

The charts can be dragged anywhere on the interface and can be organized by the users to their liking.

How to Select a Layout from Default Layouts

Step -1: To select a layout from the default layouts, all you need to do is click on the Layout selector located at the top-right corner of the screen next to the add chart button and select the desired layout from the drop-down.

Once you select the desired layout, the main charts page will update accordingly, as shown below:

How to Create a Custom Layout

Step -1: For creating a custom layout, all you need to do is click on the Layout selector and hit the New layout button.

Step -2: Once you click on the New layout button, a modal window will appear on the screen as shown below.

Step -3: Enter your desired layout name and click Create to create and save the custom layout.

To further customize the look of the custom layout, users can click on the Advanced settings on the modal window and select the desired number of columns and gap between widgets.

To load a saved layout, just click on the Layout selector and select the desired custom layout name.

How to Delete a Custom Layout

Step -1: To delete a custom layout, click on the Layout selector and hit the Trash bin icon next to the layout name.

Step -2: Once you click on the Trash bin icon, a confirmation dialog to delete the custom layout will appear on the screen. Click on the Yes button on the confirmation dialog to delete the layout.

How to Edit Layout Settings

Step -1: To edit the layout settings, all you need to do is click on the More button at the top-right corner of the screen next to the layout selector.

Step -2: Click Layout settings. This would open a layout settings dialog allowing the users to change layout name, number of columns or gap between widgets.

Step -3: After making the desired changes, click Save to save the settings.

How to Lock/unlock Layout

Step -1: To lock the layout, click on the More button and select the Lock layout option from the drop-down. This would lock the current layout, as shown below:

When the layout is locked, you can’t move/drag the chart to a different area on the page.

Step -2: To unlock the locked layout, click on the More button and select the Unlock layout option from the drop-down.

How to Export/Import Layout

Step -1: To export the layout, simply click on the More button and select the Export layout option from the drop-down.

Step -2: Once you select the Export layout option, file explorer dialog would be displayed. Select the desired location where you want to save the layout and click Save. This would save the file in the selected location.

Step -3: To import a layout, click on the More button and select the Import layout option from the drop-down.

Once you select the Import layout option, import layout dialog would be displayed, as shown below:

Step -4: Click on the Choose file button on the import layout dialog, select the file that you want to import and hit the Import button. Once you click on the import button, the chart page will update automatically, as shown below:

If you still have any doubts, please feel free to chat with our customer support service.

Updated on: 19/06/2024

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