How to Connect your Woo Exchange Account with Altrady
To get started with seamless trading experience on Altrady, you need to connect your cryptocurrency exchange with our platform. In this guide, we have illustrated how to connect your Woo exchange account with Altrady via API.
Log into your Woo exchange account.
Click on profile icon at the top-right corner and select Subaccounts and API from the drop down menu.

On the subaccount page, click Create API Key.

From the dropdown list, select wither the main account or subaccount to connect.
Tick the permission Enable Trading.
Add a label or description for the API key.
In a moment, we will add IP addresses to the API key.

Log into Altrady and navigate to the Exchange accounts page.
If you don't yet habe a 5 word password, you will be asked to create one. Store this in a safe place such as a password manager.
Click + Add API key.

From the Exchange dropdown menu, select Woo.
Give your Woo API key a label.
Next to the IP whitelist, click the Copy button.
The IP whitelist is a list of 10 IP addresses that Altrady will use to communicate with Woo exchange via API. This provides an extra level of security for your API keys. Only these 10 IP addresses can be entered for your API key.

Return to Woo exchange, and paste the IP addresses.
Then Click Add.

The 10 IP addresses will be shown.
Enter your authenticator code.
Then click Create API.

On Woo, click Confirm.
You should now see your API key in the list. The key can be edited later if needed.
We are finished on the Woo website.

In Altrady, click Save.

Step -10:
In Altrady, in the list of API keys, you will now see the Trading Account for your Woo API key.
It can be edited if needed, by clicking the Edit icon.

If your balance is shown as zero, this can be because the balances have not yet sync'ed from the exchange. This can take up to 5 minutes.
It can also be because the wrong account or subaccount was selected in Woo, when adding the API key.

You can also manually sync the balances:
On the Trading Terminal, in the Markets widget, you will find markets for Woo under WOO in the left hand column.
If WOO does not appear in your list, it is probably not set as an active exchange.
Edit that by clicking the Settings (cog) icon, at the top right of the Markets widget.
Once you have selected a Woo market, your Woo trading account will automatically be selected in the Trading Terminal.

If you have any questions, please feel free to chat with our Customer Support Service, linked at the bottom of this page.
Log into your Woo exchange account.
Click on profile icon at the top-right corner and select Subaccounts and API from the drop down menu.

On the subaccount page, click Create API Key.

From the dropdown list, select wither the main account or subaccount to connect.
Tick the permission Enable Trading.
Add a label or description for the API key.
In a moment, we will add IP addresses to the API key.

Log into Altrady and navigate to the Exchange accounts page.
If you don't yet habe a 5 word password, you will be asked to create one. Store this in a safe place such as a password manager.
Click + Add API key.

From the Exchange dropdown menu, select Woo.
Give your Woo API key a label.
Next to the IP whitelist, click the Copy button.
The IP whitelist is a list of 10 IP addresses that Altrady will use to communicate with Woo exchange via API. This provides an extra level of security for your API keys. Only these 10 IP addresses can be entered for your API key.

Return to Woo exchange, and paste the IP addresses.
Then Click Add.

The 10 IP addresses will be shown.
Enter your authenticator code.
Then click Create API.

On Woo, click Confirm.
You should now see your API key in the list. The key can be edited later if needed.
We are finished on the Woo website.

In Altrady, click Save.

Step -10:
In Altrady, in the list of API keys, you will now see the Trading Account for your Woo API key.
It can be edited if needed, by clicking the Edit icon.

If your balance is shown as zero, this can be because the balances have not yet sync'ed from the exchange. This can take up to 5 minutes.
It can also be because the wrong account or subaccount was selected in Woo, when adding the API key.

You can also manually sync the balances:
On the Trading Terminal, in the Markets widget, you will find markets for Woo under WOO in the left hand column.
If WOO does not appear in your list, it is probably not set as an active exchange.
Edit that by clicking the Settings (cog) icon, at the top right of the Markets widget.
Once you have selected a Woo market, your Woo trading account will automatically be selected in the Trading Terminal.

If you have any questions, please feel free to chat with our Customer Support Service, linked at the bottom of this page.
Updated on: 27/02/2024
Thank you!