How to Import Your Trade History into Altrady
When you add an API key to your Altrady account, the exchange provides some data immediately, including all open orders and some recent trades and orders. The amount of history provided varies for each exchange from 1 day to a few months, with the average being about 2 weeks' worth.
Trades are used for creating and calculating positions, and for the Trading Analytics.
Altrady provides a means of manually importing your older Trades, so you can create accurate positions and see all Trading Analytics.
The Exchange Import is not available during the trial period.
Only Trade History can be imported, not Order History. Many exchanges offer exports of both.
Ensure that you download the correct one or the import will not work.
The import file size limit is 3MB. Larger files can be split into 2 or more import files.
For CSV files use a text editor such as Notepad.
XLSX files can be edited with MS Excel, or use a similar spreadsheet editor such as Open Office or Google Sheets, then save the file as an XLSX file.
Make sure the file type is correct:
- Binance/Binance Futures/Binance US: XLSX
- Bittrex: No longer available. Bittrex no longer provide a Trade History export.
- Bitvavo: does not provide a Trade History export. However, extensive trade history is provided by the exchange when your API key is added.
- Bybit and Bybit Futures: XLSX or CSV (both classic and UTA accounts supported)
- Coinbase Pro/GDAX: CSV
- Gate.IO CSV
- Huobi: CSV
- Kraken: CSV
- Kucoin: CSV
- Poloniex: CSV
Altrady will examine the import file to find the first and last trade. If there are already trades in this period in our database, these will first be deleted. Then the trades in the import file will be added.
if trades are imported that are already on Altrady's database, the new trades will overwrite the old ones. Duplicates are not created.
Each exchange will have directions for downloading your trade history.
Then follow the directions below to upload your Trades.
In Altrady, navigate to Settings>Exchange Import.

From the dropdown list, choose the exchange for the import. If you have more than one API key for an exchange, choose the correct Trading account. If your API labels aren't self-explanatory, or you have duplicates, you can edit them under Settings>Exchange Account API Keys. When you open the dropdown list again, the new labels will be visible.

Click "Chose File"

Select the file to upload and click Open.

The file name will now be visible and ready to upload. Click Start.

The file will be checked, ready for importing.
The number of trades ready to be imported should match the file you downloaded from the exchange.
Click Import Now

If there are 0 trades, or a number different to what you expect, check these:
Correct file type for the exchange
Correct exchange and trading account selected
The file contains Trades, not orders (trades will have a column for fees)
The format of the file matches what is expected (see the Export for the relevant exchange)
The file is < 3MB
The file has not been altered since being downloaded. This includes opening in Excel, enabling editing, and saving.
Once the import has been completed, check that the number of trades imported matches.
If not, check the list in #6 above for issues.

Check that you can see arrows for the new trades on your chart/s.
Only the most recent 1500 trades will be shown on the chart.
In this example, the most recent trades for LRC/USDT will be checked.
These are the trades in the import file.

If you wish to do a detailed check of the trades uploaded, in the Altrady Chart Settings, turn on the options: Show Prices (and quantities) on Closed orders.

These are the trades now visible on the chart.
Note that the chart time is set temporarily to UTC, so the times will match the import file.
The times, prices and trade sizes match. The import was a success.

The Trading Analytics are updated every day around 0:00 UTC.
After the next update, you should see analytics for the uploaded trades under the relevant Quote Currency and Trading Account/Exchange.
Positions are not changed after an import.
However, in the Break Even Calculator you can manually change and add positions to include the uploaded trades.
If an existing position does not include previous trades, the Start Date can be edited so the trades are included.
Trades are used for creating and calculating positions, and for the Trading Analytics.
Altrady provides a means of manually importing your older Trades, so you can create accurate positions and see all Trading Analytics.
The Exchange Import is not available during the trial period.
General Guidelines
Only Trade History can be imported, not Order History. Many exchanges offer exports of both.
Ensure that you download the correct one or the import will not work.
The import file size limit is 3MB. Larger files can be split into 2 or more import files.
For CSV files use a text editor such as Notepad.
XLSX files can be edited with MS Excel, or use a similar spreadsheet editor such as Open Office or Google Sheets, then save the file as an XLSX file.
Make sure the file type is correct:
- Binance/Binance Futures/Binance US: XLSX
- Bittrex: No longer available. Bittrex no longer provide a Trade History export.
- Bitvavo: does not provide a Trade History export. However, extensive trade history is provided by the exchange when your API key is added.
- Bybit and Bybit Futures: XLSX or CSV (both classic and UTA accounts supported)
- Coinbase Pro/GDAX: CSV
- Gate.IO CSV
- Huobi: CSV
- Kraken: CSV
- Kucoin: CSV
- Poloniex: CSV
Altrady will examine the import file to find the first and last trade. If there are already trades in this period in our database, these will first be deleted. Then the trades in the import file will be added.
if trades are imported that are already on Altrady's database, the new trades will overwrite the old ones. Duplicates are not created.
Download from the Exchange
Each exchange will have directions for downloading your trade history.
Then follow the directions below to upload your Trades.
Upload to Altrady
In Altrady, navigate to Settings>Exchange Import.

From the dropdown list, choose the exchange for the import. If you have more than one API key for an exchange, choose the correct Trading account. If your API labels aren't self-explanatory, or you have duplicates, you can edit them under Settings>Exchange Account API Keys. When you open the dropdown list again, the new labels will be visible.

Click "Chose File"

Select the file to upload and click Open.

The file name will now be visible and ready to upload. Click Start.

The file will be checked, ready for importing.
The number of trades ready to be imported should match the file you downloaded from the exchange.
Click Import Now

If there are 0 trades, or a number different to what you expect, check these:
Correct file type for the exchange
Correct exchange and trading account selected
The file contains Trades, not orders (trades will have a column for fees)
The format of the file matches what is expected (see the Export for the relevant exchange)
The file is < 3MB
The file has not been altered since being downloaded. This includes opening in Excel, enabling editing, and saving.
Once the import has been completed, check that the number of trades imported matches.
If not, check the list in #6 above for issues.

After Uploading
Check that you can see arrows for the new trades on your chart/s.
Only the most recent 1500 trades will be shown on the chart.
In this example, the most recent trades for LRC/USDT will be checked.
These are the trades in the import file.

If you wish to do a detailed check of the trades uploaded, in the Altrady Chart Settings, turn on the options: Show Prices (and quantities) on Closed orders.

These are the trades now visible on the chart.
Note that the chart time is set temporarily to UTC, so the times will match the import file.
The times, prices and trade sizes match. The import was a success.

Trading Analytics
The Trading Analytics are updated every day around 0:00 UTC.
After the next update, you should see analytics for the uploaded trades under the relevant Quote Currency and Trading Account/Exchange.
Break Even Calculator and Positions
Positions are not changed after an import.
However, in the Break Even Calculator you can manually change and add positions to include the uploaded trades.
If an existing position does not include previous trades, the Start Date can be edited so the trades are included.
Updated on: 12/12/2023
Thank you!