Bot Dashboard (V4.2 and above)
The Bot Dashboard replaces the previous Bots page. It shows all open and recently closed bots, bothe Signal and Grid Bots, and summary information.
The Bot Dashboard is the accessway to all of the bots on the account as well as the plave to create a new bot.
Accessing the Bot Dashboard
Overall Layout
1. General
2. PnL
3. Filters for Open Bots
4. Open Bots
Active Signal Bots
Running Grid Bots
5. Stopped Bots
Stopped Signal Bots
Stopped Grid Bots
Related articles

The Bot Dashboard is divded into 5 main areas. Each of these is covered in detail below.

This includes all signal and grid bots.
Active bots are those that are currently Active (Signal Bots) or Running (Grid Bots).
Inactive Bots are those that are currently Stopped or Paused. This includes all inactive bots, bit just the recently closed ones included on the Bot Dashboard.
Click here to create a new bot, either Signal or Grid Bot.
Click here to stop all running bots.
Signal bots will be stopped immediately.
For Grid Bots, options are offered to sell GB coins for base or quote currency, or neither (see more below).

After clicking Stop all Bots, if there are any Running Grid Bots, a modal will offer option for what to do with the funds currently in orders.
First choose the default behaviour--this will be applied to all grid bots that are ticked.
Cancel all Orders: canl the open orders and no coins are bought or sold.
Convert to quote currency: Sell all coins (base currency) for quote currency. The conversion coin is shown to the right of each grid bot.
Convert to Base currency: Buy base currency with the quote currency freed up by cancellint the orders.

Deselect any Grid Bots to apply an action other than the default.

This section shows the sum of the PnL for the currently Open bots

Search: show only bots with the search string in the label
Exchange: show only bots for the selected exchange/s
Currency: show only bots with the selected quote currency/s

Active and Cooling Down Signal Bots are shown before Running Grid Bots.
Signal and Grid bots are denoted by different icons (see image above).
The image below shows the actions available for open Signal Bots
From the 3 dot menu: the signal bot can be stopped or deleted.
Click the View button to open the Bot Overview with tabs for Analytics, Settings etc. and to edit the settings.

Summary data included for each Signal Bot (image below)
Signal Bots that are Active or Cooling Down are included in the Open Bots.
1 Bot Label, Exchange and Quote currency
2 The total funds allocated to this bot (1)
Funds allocated = (total value of all entries for one position) x (maximum number of positions)
3 Total PnL for the bot since it was first started (1). Total PnL includes Realised and Unrealised PnL.
4 Number of Positions since the bot was first started a) currently open b) previously closed
5 Unrealised PnL for the bot since it was first started (1)
6 The signal provider
7 Label of the trading account
8 Time since the bot started
9 Bot status: Active or Cooling Down.
An Active Signal bot is currently accepting signals. A bot that is Cooling Down is not curreently accepting signals.
The Bot Cooldown settings are in the Signal Bot Settings.
The current Cooldown details can be viewed and edited on the Bot Overview page. (View button)
More details:
Signal Bot Settings
Signal Bot Analytics
(1) in quote currency and your selected fiat currency

The image below shows the actions available for open Grid Bots
From the 3 dot menu: the grid bot can be stopped.
Click the View button to open the Bot Overview with tabs for Analytics, Settings etc. and to edit the settings.

Summary data for each running Grid Bot (image below)
1 Bot Label, Exchange and Quote currency
2 The total funds allocated to this bot for the most recent session (1).
3 Total PnL for the bot since it was first started (1). Total PnL includes Realised and Unrealised PnL.
4 Number of trades since the current session (Buy trades and Sell trades)
5 Grid Profits (1).
6 The current price range for the grid. If the bot has trailed, the range might have changed since the sessions started.
7 icons denoting whether Trailing Up and/or Trailing Down are enabled. The icons are greyed when disabled and highlighted when enabled
8 Label of the trading account
9 Time since the bot started
More details:
Grid Bot Settings
Grid Bot Analytics
(1) in quote currency and your selected fiat currency

The most recently stopped bots are listed here, with SIgnal Bots beofre Grid Bots.
To view all stopped bots, click View All.

Stopped Signal Bots with positions still running are classified as Stopped Bots.
1 Signal Bot icon
2 Bot Label, Exchange and Quote currency
3 Click the arrow to open the Signal Bot details. From here, the SB can be restarted, edited or deleted.
4 The total funds that were allocated to this bot for the most recent session (1)
5 Total PnL (Realised + Unrealised PnL).

1 Grid Bot icon
2 Bot label, exchange and pair
3 Click the arrow to open the Grid Bot details. From here, the GB can be restarted, edited or deleted.
4 The total funds allocated to this bot for the most recent session (1)
5 Total PnL (Realised + Unrealised PnL).
(1) in quote currency and your selected fiat currency

Signal Bot Settings
Signal Bot Analytics
Grid Bot Settings
Grid Bot Analytics
(1) in quote currency and your selected fiat currency
The Bot Dashboard is the accessway to all of the bots on the account as well as the plave to create a new bot.
Accessing the Bot Dashboard
Overall Layout
1. General
2. PnL
3. Filters for Open Bots
4. Open Bots
Active Signal Bots
Running Grid Bots
5. Stopped Bots
Stopped Signal Bots
Stopped Grid Bots
Related articles
Access the Bot Dashboard from the left side menu

Overall Layout
The Bot Dashboard is divded into 5 main areas. Each of these is covered in detail below.

1. General
Active/Inactive bots count
This includes all signal and grid bots.
Active bots are those that are currently Active (Signal Bots) or Running (Grid Bots).
Inactive Bots are those that are currently Stopped or Paused. This includes all inactive bots, bit just the recently closed ones included on the Bot Dashboard.
Create Bot
Click here to create a new bot, either Signal or Grid Bot.
Stop All Bots
Click here to stop all running bots.
Signal bots will be stopped immediately.
For Grid Bots, options are offered to sell GB coins for base or quote currency, or neither (see more below).

After clicking Stop all Bots, if there are any Running Grid Bots, a modal will offer option for what to do with the funds currently in orders.
First choose the default behaviour--this will be applied to all grid bots that are ticked.
Cancel all Orders: canl the open orders and no coins are bought or sold.
Convert to quote currency: Sell all coins (base currency) for quote currency. The conversion coin is shown to the right of each grid bot.
Convert to Base currency: Buy base currency with the quote currency freed up by cancellint the orders.

Deselect any Grid Bots to apply an action other than the default.

2. PnL
This section shows the sum of the PnL for the currently Open bots

3. Filters for Open Bots
Search: show only bots with the search string in the label
Exchange: show only bots for the selected exchange/s
Currency: show only bots with the selected quote currency/s

4. Open Bots
Active and Cooling Down Signal Bots are shown before Running Grid Bots.
Signal and Grid bots are denoted by different icons (see image above).
Active Signal Bots
The image below shows the actions available for open Signal Bots
From the 3 dot menu: the signal bot can be stopped or deleted.
Click the View button to open the Bot Overview with tabs for Analytics, Settings etc. and to edit the settings.

Summary data included for each Signal Bot (image below)
Signal Bots that are Active or Cooling Down are included in the Open Bots.
1 Bot Label, Exchange and Quote currency
2 The total funds allocated to this bot (1)
Funds allocated = (total value of all entries for one position) x (maximum number of positions)
3 Total PnL for the bot since it was first started (1). Total PnL includes Realised and Unrealised PnL.
4 Number of Positions since the bot was first started a) currently open b) previously closed
5 Unrealised PnL for the bot since it was first started (1)
6 The signal provider
7 Label of the trading account
8 Time since the bot started
9 Bot status: Active or Cooling Down.
An Active Signal bot is currently accepting signals. A bot that is Cooling Down is not curreently accepting signals.
The Bot Cooldown settings are in the Signal Bot Settings.
The current Cooldown details can be viewed and edited on the Bot Overview page. (View button)
More details:
Signal Bot Settings
Signal Bot Analytics
(1) in quote currency and your selected fiat currency

Running Grid Bots
The image below shows the actions available for open Grid Bots
From the 3 dot menu: the grid bot can be stopped.
Click the View button to open the Bot Overview with tabs for Analytics, Settings etc. and to edit the settings.

Summary data for each running Grid Bot (image below)
1 Bot Label, Exchange and Quote currency
2 The total funds allocated to this bot for the most recent session (1).
3 Total PnL for the bot since it was first started (1). Total PnL includes Realised and Unrealised PnL.
4 Number of trades since the current session (Buy trades and Sell trades)
5 Grid Profits (1).
6 The current price range for the grid. If the bot has trailed, the range might have changed since the sessions started.
7 icons denoting whether Trailing Up and/or Trailing Down are enabled. The icons are greyed when disabled and highlighted when enabled
8 Label of the trading account
9 Time since the bot started
More details:
Grid Bot Settings
Grid Bot Analytics
(1) in quote currency and your selected fiat currency

5. Stopped Bots
The most recently stopped bots are listed here, with SIgnal Bots beofre Grid Bots.
To view all stopped bots, click View All.

Stopped Signal Bots
Stopped Signal Bots with positions still running are classified as Stopped Bots.
1 Signal Bot icon
2 Bot Label, Exchange and Quote currency
3 Click the arrow to open the Signal Bot details. From here, the SB can be restarted, edited or deleted.
4 The total funds that were allocated to this bot for the most recent session (1)
5 Total PnL (Realised + Unrealised PnL).

Stopped Grid Bots
1 Grid Bot icon
2 Bot label, exchange and pair
3 Click the arrow to open the Grid Bot details. From here, the GB can be restarted, edited or deleted.
4 The total funds allocated to this bot for the most recent session (1)
5 Total PnL (Realised + Unrealised PnL).
(1) in quote currency and your selected fiat currency

Related articles
Signal Bot Settings
Signal Bot Analytics
Grid Bot Settings
Grid Bot Analytics
(1) in quote currency and your selected fiat currency
Updated on: 07/09/2023
Thank you!