Understanding Altrady's Markets Widget
The Markets widget provides traders with a variety of ways to access and filter lists of pairs on the exchanges Altrady supports.
It can also be used to create and edit Watchlists to track selected markets in a way that suits your personal trading goals.

Find and resize the Markets widget
Market details
Market menus
Exchange and Watchlist filters
Using Watchlists
No markets in the Markets list
Exchanges missing | Too many exchanges in Favourites
If you cannot see the Markets widget on your layout, make sure it is selected in the Widgets List. New widgets are added to the bottom of the Trading Terminal.

If the widget is switched on but you can’t immediately find it, check existing widget groupings and use the arrows to browse to the far left and right.

On the Markets and Open Orders tabs, all columns can be used for sorting.
Click once to sort in Ascending order (low to high).
Click again to sort in Descending order (high to low).
The Market column includes 4 sort options, cycled through in this order:
Q ▼ Quote currency (e.g. USD), descending (highest to lowest)
Q ▲ Quote currency, ascending (lowest to highest)
B ▼ Base currency (e.g. ADA), descending (highest to lowest)
B ▲ Base currency, ascending (lowest to highest)
The Market name is formatted as: Exchange code: Base Currency / Quote Currency
Click a market to open it in the current tab
The Open Orders symbol appears next to each market name with Open Orders.

One or more coloured Bookmark symbols will appear above a Market name to show which Watchlists the market has been added to.

All prices are listed in the quote currency.
Percentage change in the market price in the last 24 hours.
Total volume for the market in the last 24 hours. All volumes are quoted in BTC so this column can be sorted.
Recent: Your most recently viewed markets
Open Orders: Markets for which you currently have an open order.

Open the settings menu by right clicking on the Markets widget name.

Show an icon next to markets with open orders
Show an icon next to markets with available funds in the base currency [coming soon]
Select which exchanges to show on the Markets widget
Reorder exchanges to be shown on the Markets widget
Select which watchlists to show on the Markets widget
Reorder watchlists to be shown on the Markets widget

Reset to Default will:
Show icons for markets with open orders
Deselect Show icons for markets with funds
Set all exchanges and watchlists to Active
Reorder exchanges alphabetically
Reorder watchlists according to order created
Search within exchanges and/or watchlists
Selected exchanges and watchlists are indicated by a lighter black (dark theme) or a darker grey (light theme).

Click an exchange code to toggle that exchange on or off.
Hold the CTRL key (Windows) or CMD key (Mac) to select more than one exchange.
Click ALL to toggle between:
All active exchanges (Active Exchanges are selected in Settings): ALL + Active exchange codes are highlighted
All exchanges, including inactive ones: No exchanges are highlighted

Click a watchlist name to toggle that watchlist on or off.
Hold the CTRL key (Windows) or CMD key (Mac) to select more than one watchlist..
When more than one exchange and more than one watchlist are selected, the markets shown will be those that are included in any of the watchlists, AND that are on any of the selected exchanges.

Use Watchlists to easily keep track of markets of interest.
Traders can create multiple Watchlists, with markets from any exchange, to suit their trading methods.
To create a new Watchlist, click +Add:
At the bottom of the Watchlist filters
After right clicking on a Market name

The Add Watchlist dialog (and the Edit Watchlist dialog) allow you to specify:
Name (2 to 24 characters)
Short name (will appear on the Watchlist filter list). 2 to 6 characters
A Colour to tag markets in this Watchlist with the bookmark icon (optional)
Once the Watchlist is Saved, it will appear at the bottom of the Watchlists.
Use Settings to change the order of your Watchlists on the Markets widget.

Right click on a Watchlist for the following options:
Open all Markets: open all markets in new tabs
Edit Watchlist: Edit the watchlist name, short name or colour
Make Default: Markets can quickly be added to the default watchlist
Remove all Markets: Clear all markets from the watchlist
Delete Watchlist: If the watchlist has any markets, they will be untagged when the watchlist is deleted. This cannot be reversed. For confirmation, the watchlist name must be typed or copied into a confirmation box.

Right click on a market name in the Markets list or on a Tab to access the Market menu.
A. Add the market to the Default watchlist.
B. Search for a watchlist: any characters from the watchlist name can be used for searching. The watchlists that satisfy the Search will be shortlisted below.
C. Click a Watchlist to add or remove the market. Watchlists to which the market belongs will have a SOLID coloured bookmark icon next to them, while all other icons will be unfilled.

The Search bar can be used to find markets with specific characters in their name.
btc/ matched by BTC/AUD, RENBTC/BTC, WBTC/BRZ
^btc/ (with a space before BTC) matched by BTC/AUD, BTC/BUSD, BTC/BRZ
btc matched by BTC/AUD, 1INCH/BTC, WBTC/BRZ,
/btc matched by 1INCH/BTC, POND/BTC, NIM/BTC

Click the Filter option to set filters for price range, volume range, or 24 hr change for markets.
When a filter is active, a small blue dot will show next to “Filter”.

Each filter can be reset by clicking the Reset icon to the right.
Reset the whole form by clicking the Reset icon at the bottom left.

Check Also:
Filters are either off, or are entered correctly. See Filters.
Search is empty or correct. Note that some exchanges use different codes for the same pair, e.g. For GDAX, BTC = XBT; USDT = USD
Are you looking at the correct Markets list (All, Recent, or Open orders)?
Is the correct exchange selected?
If searching all Active exchanges, ensure that ALL is clicked.
For all active and inactive exchanges, toggle “All” until no exchanges are highlighted.
If a Watchlist is selected, does it include the relevant markets? (A selected Watchlist will be shaded a lighter black)
If you have the option to Reset Search and Filters, click this.
The left side of the Markets widget shows your favourites or short list of Exchanges and Watchlists.
You can easily add or remove exchanges (or Watchlists) from this list.
It can also be used to create and edit Watchlists to track selected markets in a way that suits your personal trading goals.
A Visual Guide to the Markets Widget

Extended Guide
Find and resize the Markets widget
Market details
Market menus
Exchange and Watchlist filters
Using Watchlists
No markets in the Markets list
Exchanges missing | Too many exchanges in Favourites
Find and Resize the Markets widget
If you cannot see the Markets widget on your layout, make sure it is selected in the Widgets List. New widgets are added to the bottom of the Trading Terminal.

If the widget is switched on but you can’t immediately find it, check existing widget groupings and use the arrows to browse to the far left and right.

Market details
On the Markets and Open Orders tabs, all columns can be used for sorting.
Click once to sort in Ascending order (low to high).
Click again to sort in Descending order (high to low).
The Market column includes 4 sort options, cycled through in this order:
Q ▼ Quote currency (e.g. USD), descending (highest to lowest)
Q ▲ Quote currency, ascending (lowest to highest)
B ▼ Base currency (e.g. ADA), descending (highest to lowest)
B ▲ Base currency, ascending (lowest to highest)
The Market name is formatted as: Exchange code: Base Currency / Quote Currency
Click a market to open it in the current tab
The Open Orders symbol appears next to each market name with Open Orders.

One or more coloured Bookmark symbols will appear above a Market name to show which Watchlists the market has been added to.

All prices are listed in the quote currency.
Percentage change in the market price in the last 24 hours.
24 hr Volume (BTC)
Total volume for the market in the last 24 hours. All volumes are quoted in BTC so this column can be sorted.
Market menus
Recent: Your most recently viewed markets
Open Orders: Markets for which you currently have an open order.

Open the settings menu by right clicking on the Markets widget name.

Settings Options
Show an icon next to markets with open orders
Show an icon next to markets with available funds in the base currency [coming soon]
Select which exchanges to show on the Markets widget
Reorder exchanges to be shown on the Markets widget
Select which watchlists to show on the Markets widget
Reorder watchlists to be shown on the Markets widget

Reset to Default will:
Show icons for markets with open orders
Deselect Show icons for markets with funds
Set all exchanges and watchlists to Active
Reorder exchanges alphabetically
Reorder watchlists according to order created
Exchange and Watchlist filters
Search within exchanges and/or watchlists
Selected exchanges and watchlists are indicated by a lighter black (dark theme) or a darker grey (light theme).

Exchanges Filters
Click an exchange code to toggle that exchange on or off.
Hold the CTRL key (Windows) or CMD key (Mac) to select more than one exchange.
Click ALL to toggle between:
All active exchanges (Active Exchanges are selected in Settings): ALL + Active exchange codes are highlighted
All exchanges, including inactive ones: No exchanges are highlighted

Watchlist filters
Click a watchlist name to toggle that watchlist on or off.
Hold the CTRL key (Windows) or CMD key (Mac) to select more than one watchlist..
When more than one exchange and more than one watchlist are selected, the markets shown will be those that are included in any of the watchlists, AND that are on any of the selected exchanges.

Using Watchlists
Use Watchlists to easily keep track of markets of interest.
Traders can create multiple Watchlists, with markets from any exchange, to suit their trading methods.
Create a Watchlist
To create a new Watchlist, click +Add:
At the bottom of the Watchlist filters
After right clicking on a Market name

The Add Watchlist dialog (and the Edit Watchlist dialog) allow you to specify:
Name (2 to 24 characters)
Short name (will appear on the Watchlist filter list). 2 to 6 characters
A Colour to tag markets in this Watchlist with the bookmark icon (optional)
Once the Watchlist is Saved, it will appear at the bottom of the Watchlists.
Use Settings to change the order of your Watchlists on the Markets widget.

Watchlist Controls
Right click on a Watchlist for the following options:
Open all Markets: open all markets in new tabs
Edit Watchlist: Edit the watchlist name, short name or colour
Make Default: Markets can quickly be added to the default watchlist
Remove all Markets: Clear all markets from the watchlist
Delete Watchlist: If the watchlist has any markets, they will be untagged when the watchlist is deleted. This cannot be reversed. For confirmation, the watchlist name must be typed or copied into a confirmation box.

Add or remove Markets from Watchlists
Right click on a market name in the Markets list or on a Tab to access the Market menu.
A. Add the market to the Default watchlist.
B. Search for a watchlist: any characters from the watchlist name can be used for searching. The watchlists that satisfy the Search will be shortlisted below.
C. Click a Watchlist to add or remove the market. Watchlists to which the market belongs will have a SOLID coloured bookmark icon next to them, while all other icons will be unfilled.

The Search bar can be used to find markets with specific characters in their name.
btc/ matched by BTC/AUD, RENBTC/BTC, WBTC/BRZ
^btc/ (with a space before BTC) matched by BTC/AUD, BTC/BUSD, BTC/BRZ
btc matched by BTC/AUD, 1INCH/BTC, WBTC/BRZ,
/btc matched by 1INCH/BTC, POND/BTC, NIM/BTC

Click the Filter option to set filters for price range, volume range, or 24 hr change for markets.
When a filter is active, a small blue dot will show next to “Filter”.

Each filter can be reset by clicking the Reset icon to the right.
Reset the whole form by clicking the Reset icon at the bottom left.

Troubleshooting (videos)
No markets in the Markets list
Check Also:
Filters are either off, or are entered correctly. See Filters.
Search is empty or correct. Note that some exchanges use different codes for the same pair, e.g. For GDAX, BTC = XBT; USDT = USD
Are you looking at the correct Markets list (All, Recent, or Open orders)?
Is the correct exchange selected?
If searching all Active exchanges, ensure that ALL is clicked.
For all active and inactive exchanges, toggle “All” until no exchanges are highlighted.
If a Watchlist is selected, does it include the relevant markets? (A selected Watchlist will be shaded a lighter black)
If you have the option to Reset Search and Filters, click this.
Exchanges missing from Favourites list | Too many exchanges in Favourites list
The left side of the Markets widget shows your favourites or short list of Exchanges and Watchlists.
You can easily add or remove exchanges (or Watchlists) from this list.
Updated on: 09/08/2024
Thank you!