Articles on: Layouts and widgets

Understanding the "Bases" Widget of Altrady

This requires set up of:
The Bases Widget
Bases Filters
Base Scanner Notification settings
Global Notifications to enable sound (optional)
Phone Notifications (optional)

How to activate the Bases widget

To activate the Bases widget, navigate to the trading terminal, hit the Widgets button, and tick the Bases option.
The Bases widget will be added at the bottom of the Trading Terminal.
If Bases is already ticked, you will most likely find the Bases widget as a tab grouped with other widgets.

There is no fixed position for each widget. They can be dragged anywhere on the interface and resized as needed. When you select a new widget, it will appear at the bottom of the Trading Terminal. For more information click here.

How to Use The Bases Widget

The Bases widget has three tabs:
Active: Bases that meet your Filter criteria and are currently Active (The Active duration is determined by the algorithm. See Algorithm).
Exchanges: All pairs for the selected Exchange are listed (not only pairs with cracked bases), with their details relative to their most recent base.
Saved: A list of the pairs that you have chosen to Save, by right clicking on the pair in the Active or Exchanges list and selecting: Save Base.

Commands common to Active, Exchanges and Saved

Right click on a market to see this menu:
In the "default" layout, the Bases widget is grouped with the Markets, Alerts, Trading and Quick Scan widgets

Open: Open the market in the current Tab
Open in New Tab: Open the market in a New Tab
Copy Market Name: Copy the name of the market to the clipboard
Save Base/Unsave Base: Save the market to the Saved tab, with the Current Base selected. If already Saved, this option will be Unsave Base, to remove the Base from the Saved tab.
Hide base/Unhide Base: Remove this Base from the Active List (or Unhide it from the Active List):
Note. The base will only be hidden if "Show hidden bases" is turned off in the current Filter.
Add to Watchlist: Add this market to your Main Watchlist
Select Color: Colour this Market (the colour will be visible in the Markets lists and Bases lists)

The Active tab

When you first open the Bases widget, the Active tab will be empty.

To see Active bases in this list, one or more Base Filters must be created, and an algorithm and exchange/s must be selected in the Base Scanner Notifications Rules.

Set up one or more Bases filters

There is a limit of 10 filters at one time. If exceeded this error appears: Too many saved items. Limit is 10.
See below for deleting existing filters.

Click on the Filter icon to Open the Bases Filter dialog

Create a New Filter

Click “+”
Type a name for your new filter
Click the Save Icon
Switch to Click “Filters on”
Choose whether to show Hidden Bases or not. See Right Click Menu

Add Filter Settings

Click +ADD to add an exchange.
Select the Exchange from the dropdown list.
Choose the quote currencies for your filter by clicking in the box and ticking the currencies required.
You can add more than one exchange to your Filter, and each may have different quote currencies. However they will share all other Filter settings.

The remaining filter settings are optional. If not entered they will be ignored

In this example, only drops between -20 and -3 (3% to 20% below the base) will be included

To filter by the 24 hour volume, choose BTC or USD, then a Minimum and/or Maximum volume, for the selected Currency.

The drop percentage filter filters by the distance of the median drop from the Base. Numbers should be typed as negative (e.g. -3, -5, -10).
Optionally, specify Max and/or Min drop percentage.
Max: The lowest (largest) drop to be included, e.g. for drops less than 50% only, specify Max = -50.
Min: The smallest drop to filter for. e.g. for drops of at least 5%, specify Min = -5.

Drops smaller than -3% will not be included in the Active Bases list, as a base is not classified a cracked until the price is at least 3% below it.

The Success Rate filter can be adjusted by typing in the box or moving the slider. Success Rate is based on the past 1000 hours (~6 weeks) of base history for the pair. It is calculated as:

When a base is Active, the Number of Bases Cracked will include the current base, which will always be cracked. So success rate will always be less than 100% when a base is Active.

The Respected In filter can be adjusted by typing in the box or moving the slider. Respected In is based on the past 1000 hours (~6 weeks) of base history for the pair. It is based on the Median amount of time (in days) that the pair has taken to respect the base, 90% of the time. (Bases not yet respected are ignored for this calculation).

| For the selected market, you can view a scatter plot of the Success Rate x Respected in days in the Base Info widget.

Deleting Bases Filters

Click the filters icon.
Click the name of the current filter to reveal the list of all filters (this we be "Off" if no filter is currently selected).
Select the filter to be deleted.
Click the Rubbish bin icon to delete

Open the Bases Filter settings

Open the list of filters and select. Click the Delete icon to remove the filter.

Sorting the Active list

There are many options for sorting your results, including:
The Percentage Drop
Date/time Cracked
Success Rate
Respected In: Days
Base Currency (Usually the first coin of the market name, e.g. for ADA/BTC, the Base currency is ADA).
Quote Currency (usually the second coin in the market name, in the above example, BTC is the quote currency).
For each option, the values can be sorted in Asc (ascending/increasing) or Desc (descending/decreasing) order.

Once all settings have been entered, Click the Save icon at the top of the dialog.

Note the other options at the top of the Bases filter, to Edit, Delete and Undo.

Enabling Base Scanner Notifications

For your Active list to be populated, in addition to setting up a filter, you must also enter settings in the Base Scanner Notifications for Algorithm and Exchange/s.


First, choose an algorithm and select it from the Base Scanner Rules.
If you are not sure which algorithm to choose, you can compare the results for the three main algorithms by drilling into the details of the Monthly Reports for Altrady’s Crypto Base Scanner signals.
TL;DR: We usually recommend starting with the Day Trade algorithm.

Base Scanner Notification Rules
Your chosen algorithm will be used for all of your Bases filters and Base Scanner Notifications. However you can view the bases for different algorithms on the chart by selecting them in the Base Info widget.

Exchanges and quote currency/s

The final steps required to populate your Bases: Active list, is to Add an entry for each exchange you have Bases filters for.
Each of those rules will also require one or more quote currency/s selected.

Click +Add to add a notification rule.
Then select an exchange.
Select one or more quote currencies from the dropdown list.

Optional settings

The remaining settings only affect your Notifications, not the Active Bases list

A minimum volume (in BTC or USD)
A drop amount:
Median: This is specified as a multiplier of the median drop. For example, 1.0 will notify you when the price reaches the median drop. 0.5 will notify you when the price reaches half the median drop. And 2.0 will notify you when the price reaches 2x the median drop.
Fixed: Alternatively, you can specify a fixed percentage below the base for notifications, e.g. -3.
Mobile: tick this to receive Push Notifications on your phone. (The Mobile App must be installed for this to work: find these on Google Play and the Apple Store.)
Desktop: tick to receive Push notifications on your computer.

For both Median and FIxed drop sizes: Drops smaller than -3% will not trigger a notification, as a base is not classified a cracked until the price is at least 3% below it.

Click Save after making changes or additions

You can +Add extra rows if you have Bases filters for more than one exchange. Also add extra rows to receive notifications for more than one exchange, or for different settings on the same exchange.

Base Scanner Alerts

You can also configure an alert sound for your Base Scanner Notifications, set under Settings>Global Notification Settings

Notifications On Android phones

How to Configure Notifications on Android devices

Glossary for the Base Sacanner
Base Info widget
Altrady's Crypto Base Scanner (CBS signals for automated trading)

If you have further questions, please feel free to chat with our customer support service.

Updated on: 23/05/2024

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