Articles on: Layouts and widgets

How to Organize The Widgets of Altrady

Altrady has a user-friendly and intuitive trading terminal that allows the users to organize the widgets as per their choice. On the trading terminal, you can view all the widgets separately or in a group with other widgets just with the click of a button.

In this documentation, you will understand how to:

Combine widgets into groups
Detach a widget from a group
Detach all widgets
Move a widget left/right within a group
Add or remove widgets from the layout
Save or Revert changes made to a layout

Let’s begin.

How to Combine Widgets into Groups

Step - 1: To combine a widget into a group, all you need to do is right-click on the widget’s name and select the Join with other widget(s) option from the drop-down.

Step - 2: After clicking on the Join with other widget(s) option, click on the group where you want to add the widget.

The added widget will appear in the selected group, as shown below.

How to Detach a Widget from a Group

Step - 1: For detaching a widget from a group, right-click on the widget’s name and select the Detach this widget option from the drop-down.

Once you select Detach this widget option, your selected widget will automatically move to an empty space on your trading page.

How to Detach all widgets

Step - 1: To detach all the widgets in a group, right-click on the name of any widget within the group and select the Detach all widgets option from the drop-down.

Once you select Detach all widgets option, all the widgets within the group will automatically move to an empty space on your trading page.

The widgets can also be dragged anywhere on the interface. To move or rearrange the widgets on your trading page, click and hold the name of the widget and place it on the area where you want it to be.

How to Move a Widget Left/Right Within a Group

Step -1: To move a widget left or right within a group, all you need to do is right-click on the name of the widget and select the move left/move right option from the drop-down.

Add or Remove Widgets from the Layout

Step -1: All of the widgets are listed under WIdgets. They can be selected and deselected by clicking the relevant box.
When a widget is added, it will appear at the bottom of the Trading Terminal.

The Widget List

Save or Revert Changes Made to the Layout

Step -1: After you have made a change to the layout the Save and Revert actions are enabled.
To save the new layout, click Save.
To undo changes made to the layout since it was last saved, click Revert.

Save or Revert Changes Made to the Layout

If you still have any doubts, please feel free to chat with our customer support service.

Updated on: 19/06/2024

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