Articles on: Layouts and widgets

Understanding the "My Alerts" Widget of Altrady

My Alerts widget of Altrady makes it easy for the users to track and manage their financial goals and strategy. The widget allows you to create the alerts and then receive real-time notifications whenever a particular market hits a specific price.

In this documentation, you will understand how to:

Activate the My Alerts widget
Create a recurring alert
Create a non-recurring alert
View an alert
Edit an alert
Delete an alert
Pause/resume an alert

Let's Begin.

How to Activate the 'My Alerts' widget

To activate the My Alerts widget, navigate to the trading terminal of Altrady, hit the Widgets button, and tick the My Alerts option.

There is no fixed position of the widgets as they can be populated and dragged anywhere on the interface based on the available space and the number of widgets already activated.

The widgets of Altrady can be dragged anywhere on the interface and can be organized by the users to their liking. For more information click here.

How to Create a Recurring Alert in the My Alerts widget

It is easy to create a recurring alert in the My Alerts widget, but a precondition must be satisfied:

The Chart widget is active.

Step - 1: To create a recurring alert, select the market you wish to create an alert for. For this purpose, you can simply click on the relevant market tab of your choice.

Step - 2: After selecting the market, hit the Alert button on the top of the chart and the widget will automatically set the price for generating alerts.

If you want to set the price manually, then there are 3 methods to do the same.

Method - 1: Manually enter the price in the price field of the My Alerts widget.

Method - 2: Click the hair-cross icon and then click on the chart to set the price.

To adjust the price, you can simply drag-up or drag-down the Alert Item on the chart to a specific price.

Method - 3: Click on the percentage icon appearing above the price field. Select the percentage increase or decrease from the drop-down menu of your choice and the price shall be adjusted based on the selected percentage.

Step - 3: After setting the price, select the desired sound for the notification from the drop-down menu.

Step - 4: Add a note to such an alert and tick the Recurring checkbox. Hit the Save button and the alert shall be created.

Step - 5: You can scroll down to the My Alerts widget at the bottom of the trading terminal and check the alerts you have created.

Recurring alerts have a circular icon shown under the 'Note' column

Even if the price set by you in the recurring alert is reached, the alert shall still stay active and will keep generating the notifications every time the price will move through the alert.

How to Create a Non-Recurring Alert in the My Alerts widget

It is easy to create a non-recurring alert in the My Alerts widget, but a precondition must be fulfilled:

The Chart widget is active.

To create a non-recurring alert, follow the same instructions from Step - 1 to Step - 3 as outlined under - "How to create a Recurring alert" above.

After that, add a note to such an alert but leave the Recurring checkbox unchecked. Hit the Save button and the non-recurring alert shall be created.

You can scroll down to the My Alerts widget at the bottom of the trading terminal and check the non-recurring alerts you have created.

When the price set by you in the alert is reached, the corresponding non-recurring alert shall be removed automatically. This is how non-recurring alert works.

How to View an Alert in My Alerts widget

There are 4 different methods to view an alert in the My Alerts widget and for every method, there is a button in the widget:

Button - 1: Specific Market (To view alerts for a specific market)

Button - 2: All Markets (To view the alerts for all markets)

Button - 3: Active Alerts (To view the still-active alerts)

Button - 4: Past Alerts

How to Edit an Alert in My Alerts widget

Editing an alert in the My Alerts widget is easy but two preconditions must be fulfilled:

The My Alerts widget is active
The alerts already exist in the My Alerts widget

Step - 1: Navigate to the My Alerts widget and decide the alert (recurring/non-recurring) you wish to edit.

Step - 2: Click on the ellipsis icon of the specific alert you want to edit and then select the Edit alert option from the drop-down.

For recurring alerts, you will observe three options in the drop-down i.e. Edit alert, Delete alert, and Pause alert. Hit the Edit button.

For non-recurring alerts, you will observe two options in the drop-down menu i.e. Edit alert and Delete alert. Hit the Edit button.

Step - 3: Clicking on the edit option will automatically render the My Alerts widget editable. Scroll-up to the interface and you will be able to edit the following:

Notification sound
Recurring settings

You can make the relevant changes and hit the Save button once done.

Step - 4: You can go back to the My Alerts widget by scrolling down to the last page and check the updated alert.

How to Delete an Alert in the My Alerts widget

Deleting an alert in the My Alerts widget is easy but two preconditions must be fulfilled:

The My Alerts widget is active
The alerts already exist in the* My Alerts** widget

Step - 1: Navigate to the My Alerts widget and decide the alert (recurring/non-recurring) you wish to delete.

Step - 2: Click on the ellipsis icon of the specific alert you want to delete and then select the Delete alert option from the drop-down.

For recurring alerts, you will observe three options in the drop-down i.e. Edit alert, Delete alert, and Pause alert. Hit the** Delete** button.

For non-recurring alerts, you will observe two options in the drop-down menu i.e. Edit alert and Delete alert. Hit the Delete button.

Step - 3: You can go back to the My Alerts widget by scrolling down to the last page, and check the widget to confirm.

How to Pause and Resume the Alert in My Alerts widget

You can pause an alert in the My Alerts widget but two preconditions must be fulfilled:

Recurring alerts already exist
Chart widget is active

You cannot pause a non-recurring alert because it gets automatically removed when the price set by you in the alert is reached.

Step - 1: Navigate to the My Alerts widget and decide the recurring alert you wish to pause.

Step - 2: Click on the ellipsis icon of the specific alert you want to pause and then select the Pause alert option from the drop-down. This should pause the alert accordingly.

Step - 3: To resume the alert, head back to the My Alerts widget and click on the ellipsis icon of the alert you paused. Select Resume from the drop-down menu. This should resume the alert accordingly

If you still have any doubts, please feel free to chat with our customer support service.

Updated on: 05/03/2021

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