How to Report a Bug
We believe finding and reporting bugs is essential for the improvement of the product and user experience. For this purpose, we have outlined the steps that you can follow for reporting a bug.
Bugs can reported to our Customer Support Service either by email or Live Chat (see links at the bottom of all Support pages).
To add a new bug, use the panel on the right side of the main Bugs page.
Add a short, descriptive title.
If possible, in the main entry box, include these details and headings:
Software version number
Your operating system, if relevant
Steps to reproduce
Current outcome
Expected outcome
Screenshots can be helpful to us for assessing and fixing bugs. They can be psted into the chat window or attached to your email.
Most operating systems offer an easy way to take a screenshot of part of your screen.
Bugs can reported to our Customer Support Service either by email or Live Chat (see links at the bottom of all Support pages).
To add a new bug, use the panel on the right side of the main Bugs page.
Add a short, descriptive title.
If possible, in the main entry box, include these details and headings:
Software version number
Your operating system, if relevant
Steps to reproduce
Current outcome
Expected outcome
Screenshots can be helpful to us for assessing and fixing bugs. They can be psted into the chat window or attached to your email.
Most operating systems offer an easy way to take a screenshot of part of your screen.
Updated on: 31/10/2023
Thank you!