Articles on: General

Global Notification Settings

The settings on this page are used to configure notifications you receive in the app and by email, about trades, price alerts, base scanner alerts and delistings. Inbuilt and custom sounds can also be configured here, for each notification type.


Trade Alerts
Custom Alerts (also known as Price Alerts)
Base Scanner Alerts
Default Alerts
Quick Scan Alerts
Custom Sounds
Delisting Notifications

Trade Alerts

Enable Trade Alerts to be notified each time a Buy or Sell is executed.

Trade Alert settings

Push Notifications
Tick this to receive a notification box over the top of other windows each time a trade is executed, and an entry in the Notifications list, accessed by clicking the bell icon on the App.
Push notifications will also appear on any mobile devices where Altrady is installed. This can be turned off in the App Settings on your Android or iOS phone.

Push Notification

Notification List

Tick this to receive an email to your account email address whenever a trade is executed. The email includes details of the trade and a link to open the market in Altrady.
Note that the trade time specified on the email is in UTC timezone. This is because Altrady does not know the timezone for your computer.

Example Trade Notification email

To hear a sound on your device when a Buy trade is executed, select a sound from the drop-down list. If you have added any Custom Sounds, they will also be included in the list.
3a. Sounds can be previewed by clicking Play Sound.
Likewise to hear a sound for your Sell trades, select one from this dropdown list. Some traders find it useful to set a different sound for Buy and Sell trades.
Set the volume for the Trade alert sounds.
Select and exclude the Trading Accounts to receive Trade Notifications for. For example, you might choose to receive notifications only for your Live accounts, and not paper accounts.

Click **X** to remove a Trading Account. To add an account, click the blank section to open the dropdown list of your trading accounts.

Click Update to save your changes

Custom Alerts

Also known as Price Alerts.
Custom alerts are set in the Trading Terminal at a specific price on a specific market.
The notification settings are set up in the same way as Trade Alerts (above).

Base Scanner Alerts

Only the sound and volume is set here for Base Scanner Notifications. The Notification settings are specified under Settings>Base Scanner Notifications

Default Alerts

Any alerts not covered by other categories are included here. This includes Test Messages.

Quick Scan Alerts

The settings for Quick Scan alerts are in the Quick Scan settings, including sounds. The only setting here, in the Global Notification Settings, is for the volume of any audible Quick Scan alerts.

Custom Sounds

Up to 20 custom sounds can be uploaded to use for alerts in Altrady. Sounds will be saved to your account and available across all devices.
file size: up to 500 KB
file type: .MP3 or .wav
up to 5 seconds duration is recommended

Upload Custom Sounds

Click Upload Sound.
Navigate to the location of your sound file, select it, and click Open
Click Upload File
If the file size is too large, it will not be uploaded and an error message will appear.
If the file is uploaded it will be added to your list.
Click Play Sound to hear your uploaded file
Click the rubbish bin icon to delete a sound file.

Your sound file will already be added to each of the Alert sound dropdown lists.

Custom sound files are added to the bottom of the list

Delisting Notifications

Enable and disable exchanges to receive notifications of delistings.
By default, Altrady sends a notification for each delisting at the time it is reported.
In this section, you can customise which exchanges to receive delisting notifications for.

At a minimum, it is useful to see which markets and tokens will be delisted on exchanges you use for live trading, in case you own some that you will need to divest of.

Coin and token delistings on major exchanges (e.g. Binance, Kucoin) tend to impact the price of the token on ALL exchanges, even those that will not be delisting the token. For this reason, you might choose to also be notified of delistings on larger exchanges as well.
If you use CBS signals on a signal bot, once CBS receives a delisting notification for a coin or token on any exchange, no signals will be sent for markets including that token on any exchange.
Where a pair is removed from an exchange, but the token or coin can still be traded on that exchange for other quote currencies, the token price is generally not impacted.

Click X to remove an exchange. To add an exchange, click the blank section to open the dropdown list of exchanges

Click Update to save your changes.

Troubleshooting Alerts
Setting Custom Price Alerts
Base Scanner Notifications
Quick Scan

Please contact our Customer Support if you have further questions.

Updated on: 26/07/2024

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